Our Community Allotment

We have developed a “Grow your own at home” box, that will contain everything that is required to begin growing vegetables and fruits from your very own home. These will be adapted for those without a garden. This will encourage people to take pride in growing their own foods from home, increase education around healthy and affordable eating and provide a level of sustainability for them and their families.

Families can grow their fruit and veg, safe in the knowledge that it will be entirely organic and will supplement their weekly grocery shop and save them crucial funds.


Our boxes will be provided to families that have been referred via an agency with some room for self-referral interest too.

Residents will then go on to plant this in our community allotment space.

This project will enable residents to grow their own food, promoting healthier eating habits and reducing food costs. – Alleviate the high demand for allotments by providing additional, accessible cultivation spaces. – Support local poverty alleviation through the Diamond Hampers Pantry. – Enhance community spirit and involvement through a shared passion for gardening and sustainable living. – Foster a circular economy, through which residents grow, sell, and buy local produce, thereby boosting the local economy.

By growing their own produce, residents can improve their diets with fresh, organic vegetables and fruits, directly impacting public health. Furthermore, the surplus yield channelled to the Diamond Hampers Pantry can provide affordable fresh produce to those in need, addressing food poverty issues.


The use of sustainable farming practices in these allotments can significantly reduce the carbon footprint associated with food production. This project encourages composting, water conservation, and the use of organic pest control, contributing to biodiversity and a healthier local ecosystem.


Workshops and training programmes will be conducted for allotment holders to share best practices in sustainable farming. Children’s gardening clubs and school partnerships can be established to educate the younger generation about food production and environmental sustainability.

This project proposes a holistic approach to address several pressing issues: the demand for allotments, public health concerns, poverty alleviation, and environmental sustainability. By adopting this proposal, we can cultivate a healthier, more self-reliant, and environmentally conscious community

If you can spare any time to support us, do get in touch. 

We are looking for people to come and help us prepare our brand new allotment space. 

There will be lots to do!

Get in touch with us on Facebook, via email or telephone.






Aaaannnd our first plants are in the ground!
With huge thanks to Vhari, we were able to plant these lovely fruit trees on our community allotment!
4 pear trees and 1 cherry tree! 🍐 🍒 😋
Please do get in touch if you have any free time to help us. We are looking for volunteers to help dig, plant, weed, paint and much more!

Our very first “Grow your own at home” box is ready to roll out this week and our journey will begin. 

Our first “Grow your own” box went recently and we are excited to see little seedlings have appeared! 

Work has begun and so has the digging!

We are busily getting the grounds ready and we really do need your help now. 

Do contact us should you want to get involved!

“Hunger doesn't take a day off, so neither do we”

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