
We are always looking for enthusiastic new volunteers. 

We are looking for volunteer delivery drivers.

This role involves collecting our wonderful supermarket donations, delivering emergency food parcels, helping to feed the homeless and delivering care packages to various facilities across the community.

You could also help us by volunteering time in our stores. Helping to sort donations, packing food hampers and much much more!

Complete our volunteer application form or get in touch direct:




Become a Street Champion!

Tin On The Wall Campaign!
We will be looking for people to volunteer their time, to become “Street Champions”. We want these people to take lead on a chosen street in their area.
The aim is – to distribute leaflets to as many houses as possible at the beginning of the month.
Within the leaflet, we will provide a list of the food donations we are looking for.
Throughout the month, you can fill a bag or a box. Then on the date requested, you can pop it outside on a wall, by a garage, bottom of the garden (wherever is most convenient) and our volunteers will collect them.
It is as simple as that!
All food is of course then used to go into our emergency food hampers to support those most in need.
For more information, feel free to get in touch.



We ensure that we are continually fundraising through events, raffles and more!

We are regularly accepting food donations of long life products for our parcels.

We are happy to accept cash donations too!

Please get in touch or donate via one of our buttons on our website!


The Diamond Hampers Fishing Team was put together last summer!

Two of our dedicated volunteers, created the team in order to run fishing events to assist us here in raising money for the food we purchase to go into our emergency food hampers.

They have a team that are always on the look out for new members  – established in 2020!

Please feel free to follow the link to their page to follow and support. 


Amazon Wish List

“Hunger doesn't take a day off, so neither do we”

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